Exposing the Family Court System and Reclaiming Our Rights

Exposing the Family Court System and Reclaiming Our Rights

My name is David Norman, and I am on a mission to liberate families in California—and across the nation—from the foremost child abusers in America: the family courts, family attorneys, and their associated industries.

On Thursday, Republicans in the House and Senate introduced the Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act, a bill that applies the strict scrutiny test to protect parental rights. This means any government action that interferes with a parent’s fundamental right to direct their child’s upbringing, education, and healthcare must meet the highest level of judicial review. This is something I have been advocating for a long time, and I am happy to see lawmakers finally taking action. You can read the full text of the bill here: www.congress.gov.

Now, you may be wondering: Why is this necessary? Let me enlighten you.

What Is a Fundamental Right?

A fundamental right is a basic, constitutionally protected freedom that the government cannot infringe upon without a compelling reason. When it comes to parenting, the right to raise one’s children free from undue government interference is foundational to a free society.

What Is Strict Scrutiny?

Strict scrutiny is the highest standard of judicial review. It requires the government to prove that any law or action restricting a fundamental right:

  • Serves a compelling government interest

  • Is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest

  • Uses the least restrictive means possible

This standard should already apply in family court—but in reality, family courts operate with unchecked discretion, trampling parental rights with impunity.

The Family Court Crisis

Many parents leave family court bewildered, asking: Was that a real court hearing? They describe judges ignoring their evidence, allowing one party to lie without consequence, and issuing orders that emotionally harm children. This is not just a rare occurrence—this is the norm.

Are all these parents just sore losers? Or is the system itself rigged?

Family court judges and attorneys have a duty to uphold justice and maintain the appearance of impartiality. Yet, in practice, family court functions as a lawless, profit-driven industry where judges wield unchecked power to make life-altering decisions. When countless parents walk away from family court feeling betrayed, the burden is on the courts—not the parents—to prove that their rulings are just. If they fail to do so, then as far as these parents are concerned, their orders are invalid.

I am calling on parents across the U.S. to demand accountability. The courts must prove their rulings are made in accordance with due process and the best interests of children—not based on bias, coercion, or corruption.

Restoring Hope and Resisting the System

Many parents who have suffered under this system feel hopeless and demoralized. I want to restore your hope and ignite a fire of resistance in your hearts.

If you are still skeptical, I will prove that family court is a ravenous, child-abusing industry. I will do so by sharing my personal experiences and observations, as well as the experiences of others. My purpose is not to air personal grievances but to expose systemic corruption.

Many men are falsely accused of domestic violence, and while criminal courts require a high standard of proof, family courts hand out Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (DVROs) with almost no evidence. These orders are published publicly, branding innocent men as abusers in their personal and professional lives. Where allegations are false, this amounts to defamation.

Most people don’t realize this, but when defamed, we acquire both the right and the duty to mitigate the damage to our reputations by publishing the truth. That is exactly what I am doing—and I encourage other falsely accused parents to do the same.

Now, let me be clear: I am not an attorney and do not give legal advice. In fact, as I navigate this uncharted territory, you will likely see me face challenges and resistance. Think of it like crossing a minefield—if I get blown up, do not follow my path. If I make it across safely, then you can follow in my footsteps.

Exposing the System’s Fraud

I am not doing this to attack the other parent in my case. The real villains are the agents of the system itself. The judges, attorneys, and bureaucrats who profit from tearing families apart. My goal is to prove that the system is a fraud—a system that claims to serve children’s best interests but instead traffics in family destruction for financial gain.

As we continue to expose this broken system, I urge you to reflect on fundamental American principles:

  • Legitimate government rules by consent of the governed.

  • Government power is justified only when it operates within its rightful limits.

  • When government exceeds these limits, it loses legitimacy.

If family courts are operating outside the bounds of due process and constitutional protections, then their orders are not legitimate. This means we are free! There are literally no valid orders against our rights—but most people fear that kind of freedom. They want legitimate orders. And we know the courts will never just let us live free without orders. The solution? Hold courts to strict scrutiny as required by this new bill and existing legal precedents.

Shining Light on Corruption

The People have a right to know about the misconduct of their government officials. Family court operates in the shadows, behind closed doors where recording is prohibited. In Monterey County, there are no official court reporters unless you pay for one yourself. This means courts can do whatever they want—without accountability—because no record exists to challenge their rulings.

These courts thrive in darkness. Our job is to shine light on them.

Yes, I may face resistance. Yes, I may get into trouble. But through my experiences, you can learn how to expose corruption in your own case. In the future, I will help other parents tell their stories and publish their own evidence—just as I have done.

These efforts will allow us to apply pressure on the wrongdoers and drive the reform we seek. And if nothing else, we’ll at least enjoy the satisfaction of holding these ridiculous tyrants accountable. A pie in their faces!

Why I called this the Public Justice Playbook

Public justice refers to the administration of law in the public interest. It ensures fairness, order, and accountability through courts, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies. At its core, public justice aims to:

  • Protect Individual Rights – Ensuring due process and equal treatment under the law.

  • Hold Wrongdoers Accountable – Prosecuting crimes, enforcing penalties, and deterring misconduct.

  • Maintain Social Order – Resolving disputes and enforcing contracts fairly.

  • Promote the Common Good – Addressing systemic injustices and ensuring access to legal remedies.

A playbook is a structured set of strategies and procedures for handling situations efficiently. Since we are forging a new path, there will be trial and error. But since we must either laugh or cry in this battle, we choose to have fun doing it. We will play, and in the process, we will bring forth the Playbook.

Welcome to the Public Justice Playbook—where we expose the fraud, fight back, and reclaim our rights.


Adaptive Community Solutions


Welcome to Public Justice Playbook